How Odoo MRO is useful for manufacturers & Industries?

If you are looking, Odoo module for Manufacturers and industry-supply companies to Manage MRO-Maintenance, Machine Repair, Equipment manufacturing service order, Job and work order for service request and service order management then, this is the correct odoo apps you. Machine Repair management Odoo apps useful for any kind of repair industry which support all kind of products-equipment repair management process with complete ERP flow which start from repair order, Diagnosis order, Workorder-job Order to Sales, invoice and Accounting Payment. Which provides complete ERP workflow including Sales, Billing and Accounting Payment module. When customer register the service request they will create repair order and head technician will start diagnosis of the problem and create workorder from repair request. After that service management will creates sales order according to workorder and based on sales invoice will raise to the customers.


1) Create machine repair order.

      User can create machine repair order with machine related information.

2) Manage machine workorder.

      You can manage machine repair work order (start,pending,resume,cancel).

3) Add machine service details.

      You can add machine service details like (Machine guarantee,Guarantee type).

4) Print Report.

      You can print machine repair,dignosis, workorder reports.

5) Create Machine Diagnosis.

      You can create diagnosis based on machine repair order.

6) Create Machine Diagnosis.

      You can create machine diagnosis based on machine repair order.

7) Fully Automated workflow.

      Repair order, Diagnosis and workorder are fully automated with workflow process, So when anything get saffected on any document, should be reflected on repair process. i.e When Quotation created and sent, it changes stage as "Quotation Sent" on repair, when workorder finsihed it change as Workorder completed.

8) Assign to Technician.

      Uses are allowed to assign machine diagnosis to technician.

How to Create Repair Order

Add Machine information to be repair including machine and customer details,also have facility to assign it to technician with priority.

Machine Service Details

In machine details you Have option to select under guarantee 'yes' or 'no'. With paid or free service and description regarding it.

After filling all these information your machine repair order has been ready now you can easily print as receipt and give it to your customer.

Create Machine Diagnosis

Easy to create diagnosis in one click with same information as repair order, then you can assigned it to specific technician.

Add Machine Diagnosis Result

Assigned technician will start diagnosis based on description comes from repair order. technician will check machine and enter his result into machine diagnosis, If required technician can add extra require spare part of it under the result.

Create Quotation

After adding diagnostic results , now you can create a quotation based on that and send this quotation to your client easily by using send by email.

Confirm Sale

View Work Order

Once Quotation get confirm it will become sales order(default work flow of Odoo) and same time it will create work order on system. Which indicates that need to start working on machine to be repair.Assigned technician can start working based on work order and once click on start will automatically set start date on work order.

Start Work Order

Finish Work Order

Once Technician finished the work order will record the end date and also record the duration for the whole work order and able to generate a work order report too.

Create Invoice

After the work order has been completed Salesperson/Accountant generate invoice from the sale order and send it to client either with print or send by email. And standard Odoo invoicing work flow resume here to validate a invoice and register payment.


  • Technician : Technician can work on work order.He/She can only see his/her work order and only work on his/her assigned work order.Technician can only have reading access to diagnosis and repair order.

  • Head Technician : Head technician can see all work order also able to assign a technician on a diagnosis and work order. He/she has access to enter diagnosis result. He/She cannot change any thing on a repair order.

  • Service Manager : Service Manager creates repair order.convert it as a diagnosis able to create quotations.

  • Director Commercial : Director Commercial is the admin of this system he/she has full access rights of every thing.

Administrator September 27, 2023
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