Odoo Migration: Refreshing Your ERP Solution to Create a Competitive Advantage

After working with a number of diverse organizations over the years, in Browseinfo, we were responsible for the selection, configuration, implementation, and Odoo migration of new ERP and CRM solutions. Although this may seem a little biased, we can safely say that we have now found the best ERP solution in the disguise of Odoo ERP.

What we are trying to articulate in this blog is the flexibility of Odoo to meet customer requirements and the correlation between this flexibility and creating a competitive advantage for your business.

The Importance of creating a competitive advantage in today's world

It’s no secret that it is increasingly difficult to gain a competitive advantage with everyone having easy accessibility to information provided by digital platform technology.

Recently, a global data analytics and research firm Gartner published a report stating that by 2020-21, half of business architecture will be focused on enabling and defining online marketing strategies.

This confirms the increased need for Omni-Channel marketing strategies, which has been on the radar of marketing gurus and businesses since the early 2000’s. In another press release, Gartner also stated that there is an increasing trend towards artificial intelligence and Digital marketing platforms.

What does this mean for small businesses?

With the arrival of Amazon in Australia a few months ago, the marketplace is shaping up to be even more competitive with the threat being felt by both brick and mortar and stand alone online businesses. It will drive the urgency for unique and sustainable advantages in that marketplace.

The best way to gain a competitive advantage is to provide exceptional personalised customer experience (online and offline) and fast turnaround times. These goals are achievable by the implementation of robust and user-friendly ERP like Odoo.

Odoo ERP services presents a customer-centric solution – integrated CRM, ERP, MRP, eCommerce and marketing, which allows for a 360-degree view of sales all the way through to delivery and invoicing and follow-on upselling and marketing.

Having a customer-centric ERP system enables your business to:

Enhance your customer experience such as marketing automation which enables you to create a community via the use of blogs/forums and automatic email notifications.

Enhance the customer experience by using a beautifully designed and easy to use website template or build your own design.

Facilitate ease of use by developing an efficient on-line business model for your customers, with an ability to automate processes which in turn, creates the shortest possible turnaround times for your customers.

Having an integrated business management solution

One of the best features of Odoo is its simplicity and user-centric design. You would be pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of Odoo as:

  • Stock appears on the online shop with a click

  • Manage marketing campaigns and track their results easily from the dashboard and mobile app

  • Ability to track your customer’s orders in real time

  • Stock levels are automatically tracked through all channels (shop front, warehouse, and website)

In the end, Odoo offers you the customer-centric technology and platform to gain a competitive advantage and remain there in this fast moving data intensive world. And the possibilities don’t just end there. Odoo has thousands of apps available globally that we can consider when meeting your vision and provide a solid foundation for growth.

If you are looking to stand out in the business industry and want to automate your business process by using AI and marketing automation, then Odoo ERP is undoubtedly the best solution out there. We, at Browseinfo is the name you can trust for your Odoo implementation, Odoo Migration, and customization needs. For more information, just give us a call today.

Odoo Migration: Refreshing Your ERP Solution to Create a Competitive Advantage
Rahul Pandya September 28, 2023
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