Dashboard for Portal Users

Portal Dashboard odoo app helps user to show attractive website dashboard for portal users. Portal  user can see different records with counts and different analysis chart for sales , purchase, invoice, bills, sold products and purchased products, also can see latest quotations, sales orders, RFQs, and purchase orders, invoices and bills with status and projects and task from portal view, Also can filter all charts by today, week, month, year.


1) Attractive Website Portal Dashboard.

User can see attractive website portal dashboard.

2) Filter Dashboard Charts and Tables.

User can filter different charts and tables with different filter.

3) Show Own Dashboard for Customer/Vendor.

User can see own dashboard for customer and vendor.

4) Show Analysis Chart and Tables.

User can see different analysis chart and tables.

Dashboard Configuration

Under "Settings" menu user can configure website dashboard, User have to enter "No. of Latest Records You Want To Show" and as per this number record will show on dashboard.

Dashboard Tiles

Under "My Account" user can see dashboard, On dashboard tiles user can see different informations with counts.

When user clicks on particular tiles then, tiles title and details will shown

User can also open documents from here.

Dashboard Filter

User can filter dashboard chart and tables records with filter like : Today, Yesterday, CUrrent Week, Current Month, Current Year.

Latest Quotations & Sales Orders with Status

User can see all latest quotations and sales order filter by current week with order status.

Customer Dashboard

User can see that "Customer" check box enables, so user can see that only sales data on dashboard.

Vendor Dashboard

User can see that here "Vendor" check box enables so vendor can only see purchase data on dashboard.

Vrajesh Soni May 10, 2024
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