Export Multiple Invoice Reports in ZIP

Export Multiple Invoice Reports Odoo App is used to export multiple customer invoice and vendor bills in zip file , user can mass invoices/bills from the list and export it easily download zip file.After select multiple invoices from the list view user have to open export wizard from the action and easy to download mass invoices pdf reports in zip file format. User can view invoices PDF report from the zip file.


1) Export Multiple Customer Invoice

User can export multiple customer invoice in zip file.

2) Export Multiple Vendor Bill

User can export multiple vendor bill in zip file.

3) Download Exported Invoices & Bills in ZIP File

User can download customer invoices and vendor bills in zip file.

4) PDF Reports for Customer Invoice and Vendor Bill

User can see customer invoice and vendor bill in pdf format.

Multiple Invoice Export for Customer Invoice

You can export multiple invoice for that select multiple customer invoices, In action click on multiple invoice export so one wizard will be open.

Multiple Invoice Export Wizard

You can see selected customer invoices with details and click on 'Export All Reports' button.

Download Invoices in ZIP File

You can download a zip file of exported customer invoices.

You can see your particular exported customer invoices in pdf format.

Customer Invoice Report

Multiple Invoice Export for Vendor Bill

You can export multiple bills for that select multiple vendor bills, In action click on multiple invoice export so one wizard will be open.

Multiple Invoice Export Wizard

You can see selected vendor bill with details and click on 'Export All Reports' button.

Download Vendor Bills in ZIP File

You can download a zip file of exported vendor bills.

You can see your particular exported vendor bill in pdf format.

Multiple Vendor Bill Report

Vrajesh Soni May 8, 2024
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