Hide Create Invoice Button for Sales User

Hide Create Invoice Button for Sales User Odoo App helps users to hide the "Create Invoice" button and "To Invoice" menu for sales users. "Create Invoice" button on sales order and "To Invoice " menu under sales menu only visible for Billing Users and Billing Administrator.


1) Hide Create Invoice Button for Sales User

You can see hide 'Create Invoice' button and 'To Invoice' menu for sales user.

2) Visible Create Invoice Button Only for Billing Group

You can see 'Create Invoice' button and 'To Invoice' menu only visible for Billing Users and Billing Administrator.

Configure Billing Access Group for Sales User

You can see 'Create Invoice' button and 'To Invoice' menu only should be visible to "Billing" access group.

Hide Create Invoice Button for Invoicing User

You can see 'Create Invoice' button and 'To Invoice' menu hide for invoicing user.

Vrajesh Soni May 16, 2024
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