Product Discount Limit on Sales & Invoice

Sales and Invoice Product Discount Limitation odoo app helps users to limit fixed or percentage discounts on products for apps like sale and invoice. Users have the option to select discount type and enter discount amount or percentage, enable or disable warning functionality. Users can also add a warning message for the discount limit. When a user creates an order line and selects a product discount will be automatically added from selected product and warning will raise if the user tries to modify or change discount value. This warning doesn't allow you to change the discount amount on the sales order and invoice from the default discount set on the product.


1) Add Fixed or Percentage for Products

User can select fixed or percentage discount type and enter discount amount or percentage for specific product.

2) Enable Disable Discount Warning

User can enable or disable discount warning functionality on order line by configuration.

3) Add Discount Warning Message

User can add message and it will show on discount warning.

4) Raise Discount Limit Warning

If user modify or change discount value on order line then warning will raise.

Product Fixed Discount Type

User can select "Discount Method" as "Fixed" and enter "Discount Value" for specific product.

Product Percentage Discount

User can select "Discount Method" as "Percentage" and enter "Discount Value" for specific product.

Discount Limit Warning Configuration

Under Sales > Configuration > Settings menu user can see "Product Discount Limit Warning" option and enable or disable as per need, User also can select "Warning Message" for product discount warning

Discount Limit Warning On Order

While creating sale order user can select product and see discount will automatically added from selected product.

If user try to modify or change discount value then discount limit warning will raise with added warning message.

Discount Limit Warning On Invoice

While creating sale order user can select product and see discount will automatically added from selected product.

If user try to modify or change discount value then discount limit warning will raise with added warning message.

Vrajesh Soni May 21, 2024
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