Sync Product Category with Ecommerce Category

Ecommerce Categories Sync Odoo App will help you to easily add the product categories to the e-commerce categories. Using this app you can automatically sync with the e-commerce category while you create a new product category. While you linked all products category with the corresponding e-commerce category, that time you can also enable the option 'all product link with ecommerce category' for all products.


1) Easy to Sync Ecommerce Category

User can easily sync product's internal category with ecommerce category.

2) Configuration for Sync Ecommerce Category

User can set configuration for sync ecommerce category/product.

3) Ecommerce New Category Sync

When use create a new category then that category automatically syncs with e-commerce categories.

4) Ecommerce New Product Sync

All products category automatically sync with the e-commerce category.

Configuration for Sync Ecommerce Category/Product

Goto users and tick "sync ecommerce category/product".

Configuration for Website Category/Product

Goto website configuration setting there is a two different option for sync internal category with ecommerce category as like. 1) eCommerce new Cateogry Sync & 2) eCommerce new Product Sync

Click on Sync Ecommerce Category

Sync Ecommerce Category Wizard

Select "Create all internal category on website" operation then you can see list of categories.

Select Category which you want to Sync in Ecommerce

You can add or remove categories from the list and click save button so all selected categories added in the e-commerce category.

Ecommerce Categories

You can see ecommerce category created from the internal category.

Select "all product link with ecommerce category" operation

When you select second operation then all product link with ecommerce category.

Product Link with Ecommerce Category

You can see product link with ecommerce category.

Vrajesh Soni May 8, 2024
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