User Own Company Access

User Own Company Access Rights Odoo App helps only to access those companies which are assigned to users as allowed company on user form. On default odoo all users can see all the companies whether it's allowed or not than if the user have "Administrator/Access Rights" group then the user can update allowed companies from the user account and add more companies access to their own user. This app helps users to restrict the company access to users and make limited company access as allowed companies given to user access. Thia odoo apps added one group which is "Own Company Access" if a user has ticked, then these users will only have access to this assigned allowed companies and this user can assign only those allowed companies to new users.


1) Own Company Access Rights

When User has ticked "Own company Access" then these users will only have access of this assigned allowed companies.

2) Assign Only Allowed Company to New Users

If user has ticked "Own company Access" group then this user can assign only those allowed company to new users.

Created Companies

Without Using Own Company Access (Default in Odoo)

If user has unticked "Own Company Access" which is defalut in odoo then these users will have access of all companies and this user can assign all companies to new users.

Create New User

You can see user can assign all companies to new users.

With Using Own Company Access

If user has ticked "Own Company Access" then these users will only have access of this assigned allowed companies and this user can assign only those allow company to new users.

Create New User

You can see "Own company Access" group user can assign only those allow company to new users.

Vrajesh Soni May 6, 2024
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