Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report Odoo App

Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report odoo app helps users to identify out of stock for the warehouse. Users can identify sales, ads, incoming, outgoing and current stock, overstock value, overstock quantity, turnover ratio, out of stock quantity and out of stock days with fast moving, slow moving and non moving products from the warehouse. This report helps the warehouse manager to make proper decisions. Users can print warehouse out of stock analysis reports using different filters like, date, product and product category, company and warehouse and view out of stock analysis report, graph view and also can print report in excel format.


1) Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report

User can check out of stock qty, out of stock days, current stock, with FSN classification for stock.

2) Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis XLS Report

User can also print warehouse out of stock analysis report in XLS format.

3) Different Filters for Warehouse Out of Stock Report

User can use different filters like date, product and product category, company and warehouse for out of stock report.

4) Different Stock Values in Report

User can see different stock values like ads, incoming qty, outgoing qty, current qty and virtual stock qty, demanded qty, overstock qty, fsn classification and many more.

Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report" menu.

On clicking menu new wizard will open user can apply different filters like start date, end date, product categories and products and company and warehouse.

Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Excel Report

On clicking the "EXCEL REPORT" button user can see generated out of stock excel report as below image.

Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Report

On clicking "VIEW DATA" button user can see out of stock analysis report.

Warehouse Out of Stock Analysis Graph Report

On clicking "VIEW GRAPH" button user can see graph view for out of stock analysis.

Vrajesh Soni May 21, 2024
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